"There is a depth of truth, this depth of being that wants itself known, felt, expressed, met. It makes you want to soar, to fly on eagle wings, to master your own dreams, to find true freedom. To create a masterpiece of life. Take all the pieces of life and create a new quilt. One that shines with love and light."

Saturday, August 28, 2010

To Thine Own Self Be True

"All you need is deep within you waiting to unfold and reveal itself.  All you have to do is be still and take time to seek for what is within, and you will surely find it."    Eileen Caddy

"Each Man Is Good In His Sight. It Is Not Necessary For Eagles To Be Crows."

Sitting Bull, Sioux
           A real person exists inside each of us, but we often hide our real selves to protect ourselves from others.  We will be cheated of much of our happiness and joy if we live our lives according to what and how others think we should live. We need to understand our own experiences, not focus on others.  We need to study our own reflections and experiences,  and ourselves so we can better understand others.  Think well of yourself, live your life well and let others think what they want. 
" Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."  Judy Garland
 We need to look to our own inner strengths, through the guidance from the Holy Spirit and become our own person.  Know that it is the self and the self alone that must handle living and that self is only governed by God.
God's word, God's laws and God's love.
Believe in your own heart, reach down inside and pull up what "you" know is your own true self and follow through and be who you really are. Respect your own worth, control your own life and thoughts.  And then forgive those who wish to control and help them to understand and to be their own person, also.
And if you need guidance, pause step back a moment and ask " What would God do"?
Know your own truth and your own dream and live each day as if it were your last, with love and in gratitude.
Hold fast within the arms of God, always believing in his love and guidance.  See and feel His Spirit within and allow him to show us how to be who we really are.
Create a vacuum within yourself, which will result in an attitude of listening so that you will hear His voice and see yourself and the world in a new light!
God's Promise
Beauty is the only thing worth living for!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

What Kind of Day Will You Have?

  With a song in your heart reach out and touch the day and be glad of it.

  Begin a happy day by allowing the Holy Spirit to show you what you are to do this day.  Do all through him.  Expect the best of life, everyday by giving and accepting loving kindness, laugh more often, focus on the good in anything and everything that is now happening, be grateful for your abundance, take pleasure in the many small but important everyday pleasures, get out in nature, do something different, take a chance, reach out to others and learn that if something unexpected does happen be grateful for the lesson learned.   It is always darkest before the dawn,  but the dawn always comes.  Trust in the dawn.  And realize that now, at this time, you are already living a wonderful life.
This is the day that God make, now share that glorious day and happiness with others and as each person shares that love and happiness it will allow everyone to have a Happy Day and the world will Smile.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Just went for a swim and while floating on my back this is how the sky looked.
God's beautiful sky

makes you want to fly right up there and sort of feels that way when you are floating in the pool.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Creative Ideas

My intent of this blog spot was to show and talk about my crafts and art, and somehow I haven't done that yet.
a few blocks of Christmas quilt
Everyday I am working on something creative.  At this time I am making a Christmas quilt and tree skirt and tree ornaments. 

tree skirt

 These things I am making for myself--  I was living and traveling in an RV but now I'm in a bigger place so can have a bigger Christmas tree.  It will be fun!     
Most of everything I've ever made in my life I have given away as gifts and that is what crafting is all about.  The joy in making and giving something special to family and friends. 

flowers by the sea
Another thing I've been able to do is hang some of my watercolors.  I have a big stack of paintings and hanging some in each room has made me happy for as I look at them I can recreate the joy I had when painting them and realize anew that at the time God's spirit was being recreated through me.
Over my years I have been shown that creating is a form of therapy " When life goes to pieces make Quilts",
and that is what I have done, and God's hand has guided me in every step, in all forms of crafts.


birds in the mist

pink flowers

The Bridge

Water Lilies

Below are a few other quilts. 


God's promise


      Rail fence

 These are just a few of the many quilts I have made and all have given me such joy to make.  I feel very grateful for the ability given  me to create these gifts and any happiness they have brought to others.

Below are some of the creative ideas from one of my grandsons and one of my great grandsons.

Self  Portrait By Richard

Bluebird by Alex

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Nature In All It's Glory

To be one with nature is a deep urge.  The love of living things, plants, trees, wildlife speaks to us and when we stand a moment or two in nature we feel a deep completeness and  a personal sense of harmony.  To be one with nature is to be One with God.  We have been given this beautiful, gorgeous earth to live on and enjoy and receive pleasure from.

" The heavens declare the Glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork"  Psalm 19:1

Gardening, hiking in nature, sitting in the yard under a tree, camping in the woods, visiting a national monument, visiting a nature preserve, going to the park or just enjoying your own small space that you've created on your porch all give us a tremendous boost to our spirit and helps to awaken our natural instincts for survival and calms our stress.  Getting out in nature is the best therapy we can use for ourselves, even if you live in a small space without a yard you can at least grow a pot or two of herbs or flowers on a porch or window sill, but getting out and putting your bare feet into the soft dirt or sand at the beach just doe's something for your well being.  For me, just imagining doing it makes me smile!
One of the things I love to do is get up very early and go for a hike in the desert here where I live.  Its really a pretty place surrounded by mountains in the distance and hiking trails that go through big saguaro  and other types of cactus. 

I spend a lot of my time there, just sitting on a big rock and listening to the silence and feeling the peace. I always see something new.  A plant, a rock, tree, flower, animal...something..... I always come home feeling calmer and with an inner happiness.
I just now took a short walk around my yard, as it is toooo hot  to hike at this time.  I could only stay out a short time, but in that short time I saw a rabbit and spoke with it, two humming birds, looked up and saw white puffy clouds floating by, saw a family of quail in the wash behind my house, smelt the fragrance of the orange tree in the neighbors yard, heard the doves calling peace, peace, peace, saw the sun shinning through the trees, making silver jewels of the leaves, found a new yellow rose bud to pick to enjoy inside and just soaked up all this like a sponge to use later in my day to find my joy.  That little walk in my yard perked up my spirits and let me know that
                                                      " All is Right with My World". 
" Sing Praises to the Lord and all His host of Angels"  for this beautiful earth and have joy in all things.

" Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad;
  Let the sea roar, and all its fullness;
  Let the field be joyful, and all that is in it;
  Then all the trees of the woods
  Will rejoice before the Lord"      Psalm 96: 11:12

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Don't Worry, Be Happy

"Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever"  Isak Dinesen
One of our habits that keep us from happiness the most is worry...When we are worrying about a problem or something that could happen we are many times just adding to that problem by stressing ourselves which can the lead to other problems or health issues.  When we find ourselves in that  "what if" mode we need to remember to stop and really enjoy this moment and allow God to take care of the rest and claim God's help even before it is given.  Think about the things that are working well and have gratitude. 
 Write a list of pros and cons and almost always you will find more things to be thankful for then not.
One good way to help keep worry away is to keep yourself busy doing something constructive.  There are times in my life when I've had the cleanest house in town and while I'm doing this cleaning I can pray and surrender my problems and God always comes through.
Or write out whats troubling you.  Write the worst "what ifs".  Your greatest fears.  If the worst happened what would you do?  How would you cope? If we have a plan of action and follow through we can stop the worry.    Sometimes worry is just because we don't feel like we can control our lives.  We have no power. But if we would just realize that its all in God's hands and he plans abundance, love and happiness for us, we would lose our sense of hopelessness.
"Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them."

"Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?" 
And if we live for the moment, tomorrow will take care of itself.  Life is full of surprises and each day we never know when something wonderful will happen.  If we approach day with excitement and expectation of wonder then worry will be far from our mines.  Be Still.  Allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with a sense of contentment and calm assurance that Heaven goes with you.