"The world is round and the place that may seem like the end may also be only the beginning"
Ivy Baker PriestOne of the most unproductive things we can do in our lives, is to dwell in the past, always looking back. Dwelling in the past keeps us from moving forward and we just keep repeating the same wrong things. We get caught up in the "what ifs ", the " why's. " The pain, the blame, the guilt. We feel sorry for ourselves if things didn't work out as we planned, and get caught up in trying to lay the blame, to make sense of it in some way, when we should be moving on.
Of course its good to look at our mistakes so as to learn from them, but to constantly dwell on the bad, unhappy, fearful, events of our lives can only keep us in a stagnant place on our life's path.
Sometimes we have a fear of moving on. The past, in all its pain, looks safer then the unknown future, but that is all it is, fear of the unknown. In every instance of my life when I've faced that fear and taken the leap of faith, what was around the corner, behind the door, or under the bed, was not the Boggy man but a new wonderful part of life that brought a new understanding, a better aspect of self, and a desire to grow and learn from the past. And a closer walk with God because of trust and guidance.
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is strength and undefeatable." Helen Keller
Of course we sometimes look back at the past, at the great and happy times and the wonderful places we have been. Those memories actually help us on our way to becoming secure and happy and help to keep us grateful. But the unhappy past, the relationships that didn't work out, loss of friends, or financial losses and many other painful events of every ones lives, these we must, for our own self preservation, release, let go and move on and realize that thanks to them we know enough to make a change and to take a chance that will add to our overall sense of well-being and happiness.
Look at the possibilities for your life, for love, work, fun, service, growth and don't limit yourself. Move forward with an open heart and put your whole self into a new, better, clearer, more joyful life.
Start each day with a new song, forget every past unpleasant thing that has happened to you. Every thing that has hurt you, unkind words and deeds and start all over again----and do it with faith in yourself, others and God.
The is nothing you can do about the past but to forget it. There is a great deal you can do about the present and the future. You have the power to determine how your life will be, to make correct choices. So choose God and let the Holy Spirit lead you and live by grace.
Learn, forgive, forget and move on----Lift up your eyes to the heavens, sing a new song, be grateful for a new day and rejoice!
"Gloom we always have with us, a rank and sturdy weed, but joy requires tending". Barbara Holland