"There is a depth of truth, this depth of being that wants itself known, felt, expressed, met. It makes you want to soar, to fly on eagle wings, to master your own dreams, to find true freedom. To create a masterpiece of life. Take all the pieces of life and create a new quilt. One that shines with love and light."

Sunday, October 31, 2010


The Lord is my rock and my fortress
And my deliverer;
The God of my strength,
In whom I will trust 2 Samuel 22:2:3

It seems we all have times of weakness and strengths but if we look at our lives most of us can find more strengths then weaknesses, for we are able to find and use those strengths when needed.

The strength to carry on in times of extreme sorrow and pain, the strength to stand and finish the job even though you were crying inside, the strength to get up when you really wanted to lie down, the strength to pick yourself up out of the ashes of disaster, the strength to over come the negative voices and make that greatly needed change, the strength to make it when everything seemed to point to failure, the strength remain firm in your faith, the strength to do what was needed for your family even though there seemed to be no rest in sight, the strength to overcome the blues and turn to something more positive, the strength to turn resentment into a lesson learned, the strength to turn your failures into a chance to begin again, the strength to ask for forgiveness when you really felt like being angry, the strength to break your bad habits and turn to good ones instead, the strength to destroy your quick temper when you really wanted to lash out, the strength to fight for your freedom when it would have been easier to give in, the strength to realize you were wrong and to admit it and then make amends, the strength to know your truths and live them even when others held you in disdain, the strength to move on when the past keeps haunting you, the strength to know, really know that lost loves are just a stepping stone to true love and happiness, the strength to have courage in the face of danger, even though you want to turn and run, the strength to stand up to and embrace change even though you are afraid of that change, the strength to face each and every day living from your heart with peace, contentment and gratitude even when nothing seems to work out, the strength to feel your sadness and then reach for joy, even when you can barely stop mourning, the strength to create a silent space within your soul so the Holy Spirit can guide you when you really want to scream with frustration, the strength to change your mind when something tells you to step back and wait, even when it displeases others, the strength to know that love can never be destroyed but only turns into another form, the strength to refrain from getting caught up in the dramas of life, when it bombards you from all sides, the strength to take control of your life, when others want to have control, the strength to turn to prayer, when you really want to complain and moan and finally the strength to know when to surrender all to God and let him lead.

Through these strengths we‘ve fought and stood firm and found victory and by doing so, will never sink to that deep valley again. We have gratitude and deep thanks for all those strengths.

“The purpose is to subdue the passions of the flesh and improve the spiritual self”
                                                                                                       Wooden Leg, Cheyenne

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Scattered Pieces

“Break down the walls
Shatter the mistaken notions
Of loss, fear and loneliness
Shape the scattered pieces into
A mosaic of life
                                       Where beauty, peace and joy abide.”                    Lovelight

Most of us have felt at some point in our lives that life is nothing but scattered pieces…Everything we’ve done, or everyone we loved, or dreams we desired have all become scattered pieces. We wonder how can we pull them all together again. How can we get the strength to start over, to make sense of all these scattered pieces?

Look at life as a mosaic and work joyfully placing one piece at a time back into the pattern of your life…Look closely at the texture, the color, the shape to find how they fit in the pattern. Take all of those events, tragedies happenings, ugly memories, and fears and look deeply at them to get understanding and then remove the burdens of them from your heart and head. Ask for forgiveness, make amends with someone if you need to, forgive the person even if you can’t forgive the action. Let go of anger and resentment so peace can help you to get your heart back together.

Stop stumbling over the ought’s and should haves, regret, sorrow and guilt. Push them aside even if you can’t understand all the reasons for them, before they destroy you. Release all your worries and fears, manage your emotions by focusing on the positive and start over with a kinder feeling about yourself--have self-respect--self love and then you can love others.

Don’t assume that all your past actions and emotions were wrong; from this moment assume that they were right and a learning experience to help you find where those pieces belong. Don’t look outside yourself for answers, turn inward and look at the Holy Spirit. All answers are there. Ask to be shown understanding as to what and where all of these pieces belong in your life. Each of these pieces is a part of you and needed to complete the whole.

“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost;
That is where they should be.
                                            Now put foundations under them.”            Henry David Thoreau

Instead of counting the scattered pieces, the bad experiences, the unhappy times, be quiet and refuse to talk about your trouble---stop and be grateful---count your blessings and your blessings will increase. Focus only on “what is right” with the idea that everything is in “perfect order” and blessings are coming and then give thanks.

And before you know it all the scattered pieces will become a perfect mosaic of happiness and contentment. We will move forward into a world of peace and love with renewed joy in our hearts.

“Truth is within ourselves
There is an inmost center in us all,
Where the truth abides in fullness;
and to know
Rather consists in opening out a way
Whence the imprisoned splendor may escape
Than in effecting entry for a light supposed to be without.”

Robert Browning

Then take a walk in nature as the sun sets and look upon the Light!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Morning Sunrise

Sunday morning in the desert...sun coming up...beautiful with purple mountains and crystal clouds...peace...joy...love...light! The four most important "feeling" words----with gratitude being wrapped around them all.

Woke up this morning just in time to see this glorious sunrise.  What a gift and then as I watched from my porch I saw a red Cardinal stop and sit in a tree for awhile.  He flew off and a yellow Warbler took his place.  Another gift.  As I stepped into the yard a Hummingbird darted down to within inches of my face to check me out. 

Sometimes we receive gifts we don't expect: the beauty of a sunrise, a sighting of gorgeous birds, a curious Hummingbird.  Perhaps Spirit who is much wiser then we, generously gives us these gifts so we can receive them with thanks and deep appreciation.  Each day is a gift given to us to enjoy.  May we all discover these gifts and greet each day with Joy!

                                                                     And what is Joy?

"Joy is the absence of fear.  Joy is your soul's knowledge that if you don't get what you think you want or need, its because you  were not meant to.  You're meant to have something better, something richer, something deeper.  Something More.  Joy is where your life begins with your first birth cry.  Joy is your birthright"     Sarah Ban Breathnach

and so the day begins!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Successful Life

Epithet " The only pain she ever caused us was when she left us."

What a wonderful, successful life we would have lived if we could know we have lived our lives never having caused anyone any pain, but had been only loving, caring,  and giving.
To have that kind of a successful life, one that we can live with a heart full of joy we need to take time to live in harmony with others.  Live from our hearts with honor, truth, loyalty, and love for all.  Speak with kindness, have a gentle touch, give understanding to yourself and others and smile at adversity.  We need to build a starting point in ourselves of these attributes, a base to draw from , a well of deep peace, and then life will run more smoothly and sharing and giving will be natural.  And a long term of peace, joy and happiness on this earth may be termed success.

"Instead of allowing yourself to be so unhappy; just let your love grow as God wants it to grow; seek goodness in others, love more persons more; love them more impersonally, more unselfishly, without thought of return.  The return, never fear will take care of itself."     Henry Drummond

To care is our purpose.  When no one cares we feel something within has died.  Sorrows are less when someone cares.  Great things can be accomplished when someone cares.  The smallest acts of caring, kindness and understanding can help another to be happy in life. 

"Love seeketh not itself to please. 
 Nor for itself hath any care
 But for another gives its ease
 And builds a Heaven in hells despair."          William Blake

One way to think about creating a successful life is to look at a seed deposited in the soil,  it attracts everything it needs to unfold and become what it was meant to be.  We need to know that like a seed God has planted us to grow into what we were meant to be.  We have to allow Him to lead and the Holy Spirit will flood us with creative ideas for a successful life.  Peace, harmony, faith, honesty, integrity, goodwill and confidence.  And then count your blessings, because when we stop and take time to count our blessings and give thanks to God, we find our blessings multiply and life is good.  "All is right with our world".

We should take time in our lives to pursue personal goals that bring pleasure, take time to enjoy our work and make it special and always face all circumstances with our best and know our best is enough. Find and do with the greatest of our desires and abilities, with love and God's blessing the most important thing (work, idea, art, whatever our gift), and then share it with others.  

"God give us men. 
The times demand strong minds, great hearts, true faith and willing hands
Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog
in public duty and in private thinking.
                                                                                                                               J.G. Holland

 To live a successful life which would cause no one any pain seems like an impossibility, but what an idea to strive for!
We would have to be always loving, forgiving, caring and at peace with the world.  What a great way to live.!!

The prayer of Jabez says...
                                   And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying
                                             " Oh, that you would bless me, indeed
                                                And enlarge my territory
                                                That your hand would be with me
                                                 And that you would keep me from evil
                                                That I May Not Cause Pain"
                                   So God granted him what he requested.

Peace, joy, love, happiness are treasures from Heaven.  Deep contemplation on these qualities builds the treasures in our hearts and minds.  Matt 6:20  "where moth and rust do not consume, and where thieves do not break through and steal."
Everyday and in every moment if we can always pursue our highest sense of right, and follow the direction God most wants us to go, giving of our greatest gift, then we will have lived a successful life and never cause anyone any pain.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Autumn Time

"But the air's so appetizin', and the landscape through the haze
Of a crisp and sunny morning of the airly autumn days
Is a pictur' that no painter has the colorin' to mock-
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock."

Softly Autumn comes as the coolness greets our morning hours and the sun looks at us with a less intense eye.  The yellows, bronzes, golds and russets begin to color the trees as frosts touches everything.  There is a crystal clearness to the air that almost has a ring to it.  The sunsets abound with pink and lavenders and night greets us with the huge globe of the harvest moon.  The hills look blue-gray in the evenings and the fields of pumpkins are ripe and ready for harvest.   Many, many flocks of birds rise and fall over the harvested fields and gather in the trees turning them black with their sheer numbers. On the ponds the wild geese rest and if you are lucky you will see them in their majestic migratory flight. 

  "The fields are harvested and bare,
   And winter whistles through the square.
   October dresses in flame and gold
   Like a woman afraid of growing old"
Anne Mary Rawler

There is a calmer, softer feeling in the air as the gentle pace of Autumn quiets us and helps us to walk in serenity and peace.
This is a time to relax, take stock of our lives , think about what and how we want to move forward and plan for winters cold descent.  Evaluate the happenings and events of the summer busy time, then remember and appreciate our simple abundance from God.  Autumn is a time of completion, " The frost is on the pumpkin, The fodders in the shock", a  "Time of mists and mellow fruitfulness".  As we stop to take stock of that completeness we will realize life is good and that good comes from the earth in waves of beauty and abundance.  In Autumn God shows us a whole new world and worries take a backseat.  We can open our eyes to God's wonder in gratitude and love.

We gather to give thanksgiving each year and many happy memories with family of love, laughter, and good times are made.   We have anticipation of the feast, as the good smells from the kitchen waft in the air...the turkey...stuffing...pumpkin pies...and there is warmth and sharing, love and happiness.  A mellow glow settles over us and we can truly say "all is right with our world."

And the earth glows and love abounds and spreads and covers the world with peace, calmness and light!

Things to be thankful for in Autumn

1.  Harvest Moon
2.  Fall colors
3.  Cooler weather
4.  Pumpkins
5.  Sunrises and Sunsets
6.  Rain
7.  Smell of harvested fields
8.  The now of each golden day
9.  Crispness in the air
10. Smell of wood smoke from first hearth fires
11. Wispy clouds from autumn wind
12. Gods guidance and love in this season and always
13. Anticipation of the Thanksgiving feast and family gatherings
14. Starting to think about Christmas and planning gifts of love
15. Cozy days and cozy quilts
16. Comforting stews, casseroles and soups
17. Hot beverages with cinnamon
18. Baked apples
19. Drives in the country
20. Raking and burning of fall leaves
21. And every day given us to enjoy God's love and abundance and this season of love.

And now to Fall crafts.  Autumn is such a fun time of the year for crafting.  What better season to make something to brighten your home and bring happy smiles.  The autumn leaves, pumpkins, gourds, squashes, scarecrows and mums all lend to festive crafting.  And if you do Halloween, all those scary,  spooky costumes and crafts to make. 
Here's my fall wreath I made for my front door. It was fun!

And just to make your mouth water, here is a harvest dish called " English Fidget Pie"
                                Take potatoes, onions, apples and ham pieces in a vegetable stock, season with a little   brown sugar, salt and pepper.  Pour into  a pastry shell, cover with a top crust and bake as any filled pie.

 Blessings to All and have a Happy Autumn