“Break down the walls
Shatter the mistaken notions
Of loss, fear and loneliness
Shape the scattered pieces into
A mosaic of life
Where beauty, peace and joy abide.” Lovelight
Most of us have felt at some point in our lives that life is nothing but scattered pieces…Everything we’ve done, or everyone we loved, or dreams we desired have all become scattered pieces. We wonder how can we pull them all together again. How can we get the strength to start over, to make sense of all these scattered pieces?
Look at life as a mosaic and work joyfully placing one piece at a time back into the pattern of your life…Look closely at the texture, the color, the shape to find how they fit in the pattern. Take all of those events, tragedies happenings, ugly memories, and fears and look deeply at them to get understanding and then remove the burdens of them from your heart and head. Ask for forgiveness, make amends with someone if you need to, forgive the person even if you can’t forgive the action. Let go of anger and resentment so peace can help you to get your heart back together.
Stop stumbling over the ought’s and should haves, regret, sorrow and guilt. Push them aside even if you can’t understand all the reasons for them, before they destroy you. Release all your worries and fears, manage your emotions by focusing on the positive and start over with a kinder feeling about yourself--have self-respect--self love and then you can love others.
Don’t assume that all your past actions and emotions were wrong; from this moment assume that they were right and a learning experience to help you find where those pieces belong. Don’t look outside yourself for answers, turn inward and look at the Holy Spirit. All answers are there. Ask to be shown understanding as to what and where all of these pieces belong in your life. Each of these pieces is a part of you and needed to complete the whole.
“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost;
That is where they should be.
Now put foundations under them.” Henry David Thoreau
Instead of counting the scattered pieces, the bad experiences, the unhappy times, be quiet and refuse to talk about your trouble---stop and be grateful---count your blessings and your blessings will increase. Focus only on “what is right” with the idea that everything is in “perfect order” and blessings are coming and then give thanks.
And before you know it all the scattered pieces will become a perfect mosaic of happiness and contentment. We will move forward into a world of peace and love with renewed joy in our hearts.
“Truth is within ourselves
There is an inmost center in us all,
Where the truth abides in fullness;
and to know
Rather consists in opening out a way
Whence the imprisoned splendor may escape
Than in effecting entry for a light supposed to be without.”
Robert Browning
Then take a walk in nature as the sun sets and look upon the Light!
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