"There is a depth of truth, this depth of being that wants itself known, felt, expressed, met. It makes you want to soar, to fly on eagle wings, to master your own dreams, to find true freedom. To create a masterpiece of life. Take all the pieces of life and create a new quilt. One that shines with love and light."

Friday, December 31, 2010

A Glimpse Of Heaven

“Beyond the body, beyond the sun and stars, past everything you see and yet somehow familiar, is an arc of golden light that stretches as you look into a great and shining circle. And all the circle fills with light before your eyes. The edges of the circle disappear, and what is in it is no longer contained at all. The light expands and covers everything, extending to infinity forever shining and with no break or limit anywhere. Within it everything is joined in perfect continuity. Nor is it possible to imagine that anything could be out side, for there is nowhere that this light is not!”                                             From a Course In Miracles

Does this not sound like Heaven? Could you reach up and touch the face of God?

To start this New Year with a glimpse of Heaven is to know Joy! And to know joy is to know love, light, peace, happiness and gratitude.


The mind that serves the Holy Spirit is unlimited forever, in all ways, beyond the laws of time and space, unbound by any preconceptions and strength and power to do whatever it is asked, attack thoughts cannot enter such a mind, because it has been given to the source of love, and fear can never enter in a mind that has attached itself to love.  It rests in God!  And who can be afraid who lives in innocence and Only Loves.

Happy New Year
Blessings, Peace and Joy to All

Saturday, December 25, 2010


“Oh, would that Christmas lasted the whole year through as it ought
Would that the spirit of Christmas could live within our hearts every day of the year”
                                                                                              Charles Dickens

Memories--Many memories. Memories of Christmas fills us with happiness and joy. The unique family gatherings, delicious food, beautiful Christmas trees, laughter and joy, extraordinary gifts of love, and faith in miracles. The miracle of the birth of God’s Holy Son.

The sign of Christmas is a star, a light in the darkness. See it shinning within and accept it as a sign that Christ has come to bring peace and love to all. Let us join in celebrating peace, love and miracles, on this wonderful day of birth of a very glorious child.

“Behold the virgin shall be with child and bear a son,
And they shall call his name Jesus”

May we each find a moment of quiet reflection to contemplate the true meaning of Christmas.

Merry Christmas to all,
And God Bless us, every one

Peace and Joy to All

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Perfect Place

Glory To God in the Highest,
And on earth, peace, goodwill toward men
                                                                   Luke 2:14

We all seek a place of perfect peace. Eternal safety, everlasting love, freedom forever from all thoughts of loss, complete deliverance from suffering and where only happiness abounds. And Joy is the feeling of each moment. Sounds like Heaven.

Yet we all have been given this perfect place, already. It is ours with acceptance of God’s truth and belief in God’s Holy Son.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding
will guard your hearts and minds
through Christ Jesus
                                            Phil 4:7

This place abides in the soul of each of us, we just have to access it with belief and surrender to a perfect peace. Nothing can prevail against a child of God who commends his spirit into the hands of God his Father.

You will keep him in perfect peace
whose mind is stayed on You
                                               because he trusts in You                                    Is 26:3

Withdraw your faith away from this sad world and place it in God’s truth and light and you will have heaven on earth. And the world will look refreshed, different, cleansed. You will see through new eyes. You will feel no need to judge or condemn, but find a release from all trials. A gladness!

Choose light and truth. Abide in “the perfect place” not darkness. Live and speak from the heart of your spirit and listen only to God and find the deep peace of body, mind and spirit.

“In me you may have peace. In the world you shall have tribulations;
But be of good cheer,
I have overcome the world”
                                                                         John 16:33

Today the peace f God envelops me, and I forget all things except His Love.  And remembering nothing but the peace of God as evening falls I will have gratitude and give thanks.

Peace and Joy to All

Saturday, December 11, 2010


In this season of giving it’s fun to shop for those special gifts for our loved ones or if we are creative to make special gifts. These special gifts are given as gifts of love from our hearts to theirs. We give the wanting to show our love and caring. Wanting the recipient to feel how much we care for them.

It’s such a happy time of caring and sharing and festive lights,, the decorated tree and smells of just baked cookies wafting through the air, the happy faces of the children.

But gifting is not just for this season. Each day a thousand treasures come to us and we are blessed with these gifts throughout the year. Their value is far beyond any material gifts we share with others. These are the gifts given from God---Our life, The earth, the beautiful gifts of nature, our freedom to make choices everyday to give the gifts of love. We receive a smile and it gladdens our heart. Someone speaks a kind word and lifts our mood. A hand is lifted to help and we feel safer. Someone says “God Bless You” and we remember to give thanks. Your spouse makes you a cup of tea and you know you are loved. A clerk in a store is especially nice and helpful and you know there is hope for this world. You see a scene of the nativity and feel the exultation of God’s gift of His Son. You rush home after a busy shopping day and find comfort and rest in your cozy home and you know this is a gift of contentment. So many gifts, our lives are blessed with so many gifts. Lets remember this season and share our abundance of gifts, blessings, love and caring on everyone, as brothers and sisters of this world.

And may we always be able to say “My treasure house is full and all returns to others but still nothing is lost and only more gifts are added. I am truly blessed and cherish all these gifts that God has given me. Now I may offer my gratitude and thankfulness to God and all.”

Gifts of Love
Gifts of sharing
Gifts of caring
Gifts of hope
Gifts of faith
Gifts of blessings and peace
Gifts to give and gifts to keep
                                   Life is a treasure house of gifts                   Lovelight

Not what we give,
but what we share,
For the gift without
the giver is bare.

–James Russell Lowell

A Gift for you of Pumpkin Cheesecake, I wish I could just send it already made to everyone.

Here’s what you need:

3 eight-ounce packages of cream cheese, at room temperature
2 cups pureed pumpkin
3 eggs
1/4 cup sour cream
1/2 cup honey or maple syrup (or to taste)
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon fresh ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon ground cloves
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
pie pan

2 cups of powdered nuts (we often use almonds)
1/2 stick of butter melted
2 tablespoons of maple syrup

Begin by cooking your pumpkin. You can use any type of winter squash for the recipe. Besides pumpkin I also like acorn squash.
Of course you can use canned pumpkin for this recipe, but there are growing concerns about the chemicals found in canned food, so look for organic canned pumpkin.

To cook your pumpkin, first cut it into several pieces and remove all the loose pulp and seeds. (Save the seeds for roasting!)
Put the pumpkin slices in a large baking dish and cook at 350 for 45 minutes to an hour until a fork easily slides into the pumpkin.

While the pumpkin is cooking you can prepare the optional crust.

Combine the powdered nuts with the melted butter and maple syrup. Mix well and then press the nut mixture into the bottom of a pie pan. Set aside.

After the pumpkin is thoroughly cooked, let it cool until you can easily handle it. Separate the pumpkin meat from the outer peel.
Measure out 2 cups of pumpkin and add it to the rest of the ingredients.
Using a food processor, hand mixer or your own biceps, mix all the ingredients together thoroughly
Pour the pumpkin mixture into the pie pan.
Bake at 350 for an hour. It is done when the top is browned and a fork goes into the middle and comes out clean
Let it cool on the counter for thirty minutes and then chill it in the fridge for four hours before eating

Peace and Joy to All

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Drowning in disappointment. We’ve all been there--when something we expected to happen doesn’t, or someone doe’s something totally different then we expected or none of our dreams work out or family members change and become argumentative. Our hopes, dreams, plans, ideas all go up in dust. The unfair, unexpected, unresolved, unexplainable, undeniable, unacceptable disappointments of life. Drowning in disappointment.

We try to make sense of it all. Try to understand, try to put it into some category or slot that will make it easier to bear. We over think and over analyze trying to resolve and grasp something to help with the disappointment. But maybe we aren’t meant to understand. Maybe we just need to let it go and move on. Hold on until another dawn and with the birth of a new day, everything always looks better.

Sometimes when we are disappointed we need to remember that disappointments serve to strengthen, if we look at them with a positive mental attitude. Sometimes if we just wait a bit we will see the reason for change in our plans and it might possibly be better for us in the overall picture of our lives.

Being disappointed in another person is sometimes even harder to deal with. Someone we love doesn’t follow through with their obligations or causes dissension and arguments, becomes abusive to them selves or others-----

So many reasons to become disappointed in and concerned for another.

When we have these feelings of disappointment we need to realize everyone is on his or her own path and each is in a different place on the path. Allow them to find their own way. All we can really do is pray for them and ask God and the Holy Spirit to give them guidance and then give of your love, unconditionally. Also ask for inner calmness for yourself. For guidance of how to remain loving and peaceful and centered in your soul. Then you will be better able to know how to help when these frustrating disappointing situations arise.

Live without expecting results from yourself or others. If you don’t expect results you can’t be disappointed. Expecting results puts a burden on yourself and others. Live your life so results won’t matter because you have walked in God’s guidance and done all with love and peace. Just let all things come and go and walk with God.

I am not discouraged because every wrong attempt discarded
is a step forward.
                                                                                                                     Thomas Edison

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.
                                                                                                             Martin Luther King, Jr.

Peace and Joy to All