"There is a depth of truth, this depth of being that wants itself known, felt, expressed, met. It makes you want to soar, to fly on eagle wings, to master your own dreams, to find true freedom. To create a masterpiece of life. Take all the pieces of life and create a new quilt. One that shines with love and light."

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Drowning in disappointment. We’ve all been there--when something we expected to happen doesn’t, or someone doe’s something totally different then we expected or none of our dreams work out or family members change and become argumentative. Our hopes, dreams, plans, ideas all go up in dust. The unfair, unexpected, unresolved, unexplainable, undeniable, unacceptable disappointments of life. Drowning in disappointment.

We try to make sense of it all. Try to understand, try to put it into some category or slot that will make it easier to bear. We over think and over analyze trying to resolve and grasp something to help with the disappointment. But maybe we aren’t meant to understand. Maybe we just need to let it go and move on. Hold on until another dawn and with the birth of a new day, everything always looks better.

Sometimes when we are disappointed we need to remember that disappointments serve to strengthen, if we look at them with a positive mental attitude. Sometimes if we just wait a bit we will see the reason for change in our plans and it might possibly be better for us in the overall picture of our lives.

Being disappointed in another person is sometimes even harder to deal with. Someone we love doesn’t follow through with their obligations or causes dissension and arguments, becomes abusive to them selves or others-----

So many reasons to become disappointed in and concerned for another.

When we have these feelings of disappointment we need to realize everyone is on his or her own path and each is in a different place on the path. Allow them to find their own way. All we can really do is pray for them and ask God and the Holy Spirit to give them guidance and then give of your love, unconditionally. Also ask for inner calmness for yourself. For guidance of how to remain loving and peaceful and centered in your soul. Then you will be better able to know how to help when these frustrating disappointing situations arise.

Live without expecting results from yourself or others. If you don’t expect results you can’t be disappointed. Expecting results puts a burden on yourself and others. Live your life so results won’t matter because you have walked in God’s guidance and done all with love and peace. Just let all things come and go and walk with God.

I am not discouraged because every wrong attempt discarded
is a step forward.
                                                                                                                     Thomas Edison

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.
                                                                                                             Martin Luther King, Jr.

Peace and Joy to All


  1. Beautiful Photos!

    I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You :-)


  2. What a lovely blog and the photos are superb. i too have added myself as a follower. I look forward to returning.
    Carol from www.facing50withhumour.blogspot.com

  3. Thanks so much for your comments. I'm hoping to add some peace, love and joy for all to read.

  4. Positive and encouraging post. The direction in which we are facing changes our view of life, even when we are facing disappointments.

    Great photos.
