"There is a depth of truth, this depth of being that wants itself known, felt, expressed, met. It makes you want to soar, to fly on eagle wings, to master your own dreams, to find true freedom. To create a masterpiece of life. Take all the pieces of life and create a new quilt. One that shines with love and light."

Friday, July 30, 2010

Peace For All

Woke up early today to watch the sunrise and it was beautiful in it's golden glory.  This is to me what peace is all about.
Someone once said  "Let there be peace and let it begin with me".
Peace will come when we have stepped out and done the right things in life, when we forgive others and ourselves through love, when we turn our thoughts and actions to walking in God's light and letting Him lead us, when we reach out and touch someone with love. When we believe in equality and oneness.
We can have peace in the middle of turmoil if we let go and allow the Holy Spirit to lead us.  In stillness, listening and receiving the divine grace from within,  peace will rise in us like the sunrise. As we abide in this silence and receive the light from God's grace we will discover that God planted peace on earth, only man has changed it by striving for power and control.  Peace on earth will come when man gives up that seizing of power and uses love and goodwill toward others.  If it could be replaced with love for each other how could we want anything but peace?  If we bestow love on everyone as that love covers the world, we will have peace and peace will be like a deep still ocean within.
"The still infinity of endless peace surrounds you gently in its soft embrace
So strong and quiet, tranquil in the might of its Creator
Nothing can intrude upon the sacred son of God within"     From  A Course In Miracles.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Celebrate Life

happiness quilt
The older I get the more I realize that life is about the simple things.  A beautiful sunrise or sunset, bird song, good books, a special friend, comfy quilts, an afternoon by the fire when its raining outside, a refreshing  cup of tea, music, standing in nature and really seeing God's beautiful world, the love of family and friends, the ocean's magic......All of these things and much more are for us to enjoy everyday and I've found that when I stop and actually enjoy and appreciate these gifts my life is very blessed and  joy is just waiting to escape and,  " All is right with my world". 
We all have obstacles in life, but it is so much easier to overcome them if we meet those obstacles with a positive attitude, with a laugh,  a kind word and love in our hearts.  I find that if I can just take one step at a time and not look back, keep myself moving forward each moment by enjoying those simple pleasures, believing in God's guidance and love, becoming excited about new creations and discoveries waiting for me, then my path becomes easier. 

I don't know who wrote this but it speaks to me.

“There is always something to celebrate even in the worst of times

  Sing Gods praises with gratitude
  Call forth positive situations and develop a grateful attitude
  Be thankful to God and say it for even the smallest things.”

.  Just think of the eagle soaring on high.....wings spread to the light...power and control of its life...and know that there is a loving God always there at a moments thought to check your fall and help you reach out again and touch the sky,  just as the eagle does.
So celebrate life!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

This is the day that God has made, rejoice and be glad of it.

An unknown writer once said "Every morning lean thine arms awhile upon the window sill of heaven, and gaze upon thy lord, then with the vision in thy heart, turn strong to meet thy day".
What a way to start each day, with joy in your heart!
Each day is presented to us like a gift wrapped in glorious paper. As we hold this gift in our hands, it is up to us to make it into something good.
"The world stands out on either side no wider than the heart is wide. Above the world is stretched the sky, no higher than the soul is high" Edna St Vincent Millay.
I believe in the ability to see and feel the beauty of life each new day. How wonderful it is when we take the time to see and listen to others and give of ourselves! To give the gift of Love.
I have found in my life of creating, that you have to allow the creative spirit of God within to lead and then you can delight in what you have created. The ideas flow from your spirit to your fingers. And the feeling of delight in seeing a completed work of art is wonderful. And my heart overflows with gratitude and love for those gifts from God.

A few more things to be grateful for:

1.    Love
2    God giving me courage and energy to handle a challenge
3.   That feeling of wonder, as if I just saw for the first time this wonderful, beautiful earth
4.   Those cute little things small children say that are usually so funny
5.   Meeting a kindred spirit
6.   Hugs
7.   The sound of waves upon the shore
8.   Reading a book that changes my life
9.   Discovering a new creative passion
10. For the shoulders given to cry on
11. Finding or making the perfect gift for someone
12. All the things I take for granted that are sent from Heaven for my pleasure
13. God's Truth
14. Abundance
15. Health
16. When something or someone touches my soul
17. The feel of elation when I try something new that I was afraid of and finding it wonderful
18. Learning to have gratitude
19. Kindness
20. Learning that I am a Child Of God and blessed

Friday, July 23, 2010

A few things to be thankful for

1. Gods love
2. God’s forgiveness
3. Faith in God possessing greater wisdom and strength, power and love then I do and His willingness to share it with me. Faith in myself and the ultimate goodness of life.
4. Learning how to forgive others and myself
5. Gods guidance in our daily lives
6. My life, just as it is today
7. This beautiful earth we live in.
8. My home, no matter what or where
9. Comfort
10. Blessings
11. Family
12. Friends
13. Health
14. All of Nature and this glorious world
15. Laughter and fun
16. Sunrises and Sunsets
17. The song of birds
18. A cloudy day
19. Snow on the desert
20. Soft breezes
21. Smiling faces
22. Spring, my favorite time of year
23. Sunshine
24. Rainbows
25. The look on the face of a child when you hand him a chocolate chip cookie
26. Knowing there is no reason to fear, for I am held in the palm of God's hand, always
27. Dancing
28. Stars and the incredible Moon
29. Being able to trust another human being
30. and Extreme Chocolate Moose Tracks Ice Cream!
I have spent every free second of my life, since I was young making all sorts of crafts...sewing, quilting, knitting, gourd crafting, basket weaving, mosaics and much more. Now I'm into watercolor painting. I love sharing through homemade things because it not only gives love to others but gives me love and happiness. It also has been my therapy for life's stresses. My motto is " When life goes to pieces, make quilts". I consider that I have been given a gift from God every time I create something.
My second love is nature. Beautiful mountains, sunsets, sunrises, trees, canyons, waterfalls, birds........So my treasure attic is full of a lifetime of memories and love!
I read a book recently and it suggested to write down five things every day that you were grateful for, so I started to do that and I now have a list of over 260 things that I am grateful for. It has opened my life to what treasures I really have and how blessed we all are through God's love and care. Most of these things to be grateful for are the simple things of life.... this beautiful earth we live in, all the things sent from God for our enjoyment....and we have to know that we are blessed.