"There is a depth of truth, this depth of being that wants itself known, felt, expressed, met. It makes you want to soar, to fly on eagle wings, to master your own dreams, to find true freedom. To create a masterpiece of life. Take all the pieces of life and create a new quilt. One that shines with love and light."

Friday, September 24, 2010

Looking Back

"The world is round and the place that may seem like the end may also be only the beginning"
   Ivy Baker Priest

One of the most unproductive things we can do in our lives, is to dwell in the past, always looking back.  Dwelling in the past keeps us from moving forward and we just keep repeating the same wrong things.  We get caught up in the "what ifs ", the  " why's. "  The pain, the blame, the guilt.  We feel sorry for ourselves if things didn't work out as we planned, and get caught up in trying to lay the blame, to make sense of it in some way, when we should be moving on.
Of course its good to look at our mistakes so as to learn from them, but to constantly dwell on the bad, unhappy, fearful, events of our lives can only keep us in a stagnant place on our life's path.
Sometimes we have a fear of moving on.  The past, in all its pain, looks safer then the unknown future, but that is all it is, fear of the unknown.  In every instance of my life when I've faced that fear and taken the leap of faith, what was around the corner, behind the door, or under the bed, was not the Boggy man but a new wonderful part of life that brought a new understanding, a better aspect of self, and a desire to grow and learn from the past.  And a closer walk with God because of trust and guidance.

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.  To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is strength and undefeatable."       Helen Keller

Of course we sometimes look back at the past, at the great and happy times and the wonderful places we have been.  Those memories actually help us on our way to becoming secure and happy and help to keep us grateful.  But the unhappy past, the relationships that didn't work out, loss of friends, or financial losses and many other painful events of every ones lives, these we must, for our own self preservation, release, let go and move on and realize that thanks to them we know enough to make a change and to take a chance that will add to our overall sense of well-being and happiness.
Look at the possibilities for your life, for love, work, fun, service, growth and don't limit yourself.  Move forward with an open heart and put your whole self into a new, better, clearer, more joyful life.

Start each day with a new song, forget every past unpleasant thing that has happened to you.  Every thing that has hurt you, unkind words and deeds and start all over again----and do it with faith in yourself, others and God.

The is nothing you can do about the past but to forget it.  There is a great deal you can do about the present and the future.  You have the power to determine how your life will be, to make correct choices.  So choose God and let the Holy Spirit lead you and live by grace.

Learn,  forgive, forget and move on----Lift up your eyes to the heavens, sing a new song, be grateful for a new day and rejoice!  

"Gloom we always have with us, a rank and sturdy weed, but joy requires tending".        Barbara Holland

Friday, September 17, 2010

What is Friendship?

"Friendship is a promise that one person makes to another with their whole heart."
And in that promise lies everything!

Build friendship on a foundation of trust and respect with understanding and accepting of each other as you are.  A true friend is always there when you have need, always there to lend a helping hand, to give wise advice when we can't find it for ourselves, inspires us to grow, loves us for who we are, forgives us for our faults.
 "Friends sing from the same song sheet and harmonize perfectly with each other."
 They are to each other like the sunshine is to flowers and where two friends gather their brightness attracts others to draw closer to them.   A good friend is there for us and we for them  in our darkest nights and our happiest days.  They are like the feeling of welcome you get when you arrive home, the joy of knowing there is someone we can turn to when in need or to share our good news with.  Someone who will just listen when we need that, someone who will never try to control, only help.  A friend is an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, a confidant, with a heart to feel and understand.  And true  friendship grows every day!
" The glory of friendship is not in the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is in the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him."  Ralph Waldo Emerson

 If we are to find friendship we must be a friend first.  Be a good listener.  Everyone needs someone to talk to and bounce ideas and subjects off of.  And no one is useless in this world if he can listen and lighten the burdens of others.  "What a good blessing is a friend with breast so trusty that you may bury all your secrets in it." 
Every friend is to the other a sun, and a sunflower also. He attracts and follows." Jean Paul Richter

But what friendship isn't....is another matter.   Sometimes in the disguise of friendship we try to assert our control, authority, ideas, our way of life on our friends trying maybe to make them accept our ways, so as to make our ways acceptable to us.  So that their approval then makes us "right."  This is not friendship.  Each person has to make his or her own choices, otherwise we will not learn from those choices.  To just give in to others and not live your own life slows you down on your path to God.
But we must be fair and kind to those others whose opinions differ from our own and live by being an example and a friend to all.  Be a friend to all by passing along happy thoughts, words of kindness, smiles, sharing of ideas and gifts, a helping hand in times of need or just everyday.  Live and share your "Best Selves."  A gentle,  loving, caring attitude will help to create true friendships from the heart.

 " And in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter and sharing of pleasures .  For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed."  The Prophet

With true friends we will be able to walk our path in life a little easier and perhaps bring the world closer to God.

"Before us is a future all unknown, a path untrod;
Beside us a friend well loved and known;
That friend is God:"

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Mountaintops and Meadows

If we could stand on the rim of the world and see all of God's creation at once... the wonders so magnificently displayed...The sounds...The colors...The oceans and mountains and meadows...The seasons of rain and flowers, leaves and snow...The continuous renewing... always beautiful.  If we could see all of this then we would know that the earth is good as God created it and we are blessed as God created us.

"The ground says, "it was from me that man was made."  The great spirit, in placing men on earth, desired them to take good care of the ground and to do each other no harm".  Young Chief, Cayuse.

Whatever life's challenges you may face, look to the mountaintop and find blessings in God's wonderful earth.

 When you see the snow on the mountaintop it is glorious with the sun shinning on it as it turns it to pink,

  When you see the summer sunshine,  it is glorious in its brightness of greens and golds,

                         when you see the Autumn with the red, yellow and gold leaves it is glorious,

 and the spring with its wildflowers is one of the most glorious times of all.


when you see the rain on the mountaintop or meadow it is glorious with its clouds and shadows, and after the rain, the rainbow.

Each season, each day, each hour God shows his love to us by his creations of the  wondrous, glorious, beautiful mountains and meadows and more.

And be Grateful for this earth

What Will The Neighbors Think?

One of the worst things a mother can do to her children is to say, "What Will The Neighbors Think?"  With these few words my mother set my life with fear, worry and anxiety.  I am sure she only loved me, and had no idea how I would be affected, but......And I'm sure her life was also affected by those words, from her mother or someone.
Of course it is I, myself,  that has allowed those words to bother me, but I didn't learn that until now, in my "Golden Years."  I feel as if I have missed so much of life because of  "what others will think of me."  When in reality it is unlikely that anyone was noticing me at all.  I could not do everyday things like talking to people easily, shopping, or speak up for myself (except in a self-defeating way by becoming mad).  Dress, children car, house, everything had to be perfect, because of what others would think.  Also there was so much fear.  Fear of the unknown, fear of everything!!!  Worry, worry, worry.
 Why do we do these things to ourselves?
Today I have found a better way, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  I try to do only what God wants and hear only what God says.  He has taught me I don't need anyone's approval before any actions.  We need more self-respect, personal integrity, and to be accountable for just our own actions, knowing that if those actions are guided by the Holy Spirit we can do no wrong.  Dissolve all conflicts immediately by stopping and asking for healing grace, before proceeding with any action.  And forgive yourself and others who you think are controlling you by their thoughts and actions.  Bring Love's light to shine over yourself and everyone else.  Dissolve connections to the past and those "what wills" by replacing them with light and grace.  For really isn't all of life in God's hands?  Why would we need to fear, worry, or care about about what others think.
  Embrace God's grace by allowing it to run through your being, like divine fire, calming your body, inspiring your thoughts, healing your physical pain, preventing you from an accident, guiding your inner journey.  Grace is the breath of God entering into your being while you pray.  Grace is the energy you call upon to help another person in need or comfort, healing or inspiration. 

And this prayer was given to me in my time of need...Maybe it will help you!!!

"God I release all of my fears to you and the reactions I make because of them.  Please change me.  Remove my fears...give me courage to change them and show me the way.  Transform my thoughts, show me what there is to love...send the ego packing.  Please help me to stop hiding my faults and bring them to you so they can be healed.  I stand naked before you in full surrender!  Fill me with your love, remind me who I really am and show me your light.... Teach me to open my heart to love so much that all my fear will melt away.  Show me your mercy when I fall, as I ask your forgiveness for my failures.  Teach me to show love, mercy and comfort to others.  Shower me with you light to dispel all darkness.  Show me your path for my service to you.  Teach me how to walk that path.  Teach me to stop and listen to the Holy instant so I do as you want.  Teach me to listen until I genuinely have something to say.  Teach me to allow your love to flow through me so the ego disappears and my thought will all be of love.  Help me reach for the highest within myself when I am in the presence of others so I do your bidding.   Amen".