"There is a depth of truth, this depth of being that wants itself known, felt, expressed, met. It makes you want to soar, to fly on eagle wings, to master your own dreams, to find true freedom. To create a masterpiece of life. Take all the pieces of life and create a new quilt. One that shines with love and light."

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Precious Memories

We all have “precious memories”. Ones that when we recall them, bring joy to our hearts, a smile to our faces and a song to our lips. Ones that signify a great deal to us because of the happiness and joy, love and caring that surfaced at the time the memory was made.

Recalling these precious memories when you are facing a troubled patch of life is one way to get you through it with less unhappiness. Those memories will help you to know that since there have been good times before they can come again.

It is acceptable to spend time daydreaming about good memories of the past, just do not allow yourself to recall or dwell on any negative ones. We all have those negative ones, also. Heal the past, now in the present, bury it and move on to the future. Then recall the good memories when you need too.

Precious memories of special times as a child, the first times you did activities such as horseback riding or ice skating, your first doll, your first home-run. When you recall them, you will find many that make you smile. Some you probably forgot about until now, but precious nonetheless. Maybe your most precious memory was feeling God’s love wash over you for the first time or the magic of a double rainbows arch.

Memories of your first kiss, standing in the moonlight with that special someone, or the love shinning from the eyes of that special someone in return.

Precious memories of the day you got married, the day your child was born, your first car or home. The electricity when two hands meet in love. All of them are there for you to recall and delight in. So many, so precious.


Be grateful for all your precious memories and carry them forward to build precious memories today, tomorrow and for life.

Peace and Joy to All and Happy Easter

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Owls and Javelina

This morning I saw two great horned owls in the palm tree in my front yard. One owl has been visiting that tree every night and calling, and calling for over a year, and now it looks like that with all his calling he has found himself a mate. It seems this palm tree is not their home, because they are somewhere else during the day, but at night, they both are setting in this tree and softly calling to each other. They blend in so well with the coloration of the tree that you have to really look to see them. Today they stayed well into the morning light and that is how I got a better look at them. However, these pictures are not ones I took. I need a better camera for that. I am hoping that if they mate and have little owlets, they will bring them to visit my tree.

  These owls are so big and when they fly, it is with no effort as they quietly spread their huge wings and glade off with little or no flapping of their wings. They are majestic. Below the tree are their owl pellets all wrapped up so neatly. That is what I first noticed, the pellets. They left me presents each night. When they are in their tree, all the other birds, rabbits and other creatures I usually see each morning seem to be scarce. I guess they do not want to be food for the owls. Even the humming birds are not around when the owls are.

Then later, as I was riding my bike to get my mail, I saw two javelina. A huge older momma, and a smaller baby. They were just trotting down the road in the middle of the afternoon. I guess they were lost.? They tried to cross the highway and I was nervous about them being hit by all the traffic, but they changed their minds and trotted off down the road to an open, wild area between the houses. And of course, I did not have my camera. But here is what they looked like, but the momma was huge and the baby younger and smaller.  They were so close to me and I had not realized how big they were and ugly, too. Here in the Arizona desert, there is plenty of open space still, so you would think they would not come into the housing areas. Probably looking for easy food from someone’s garbage. I looked it up and they eat mostly vegetation, but they are known to eat small animals, too.


These sightings of nature’s creatures give my heart a lift and help me know we are blessed to live in this world. And such a wonderful variation of beautiful, and or interesting creatures. Even the ugly javelina has their own beauty, especially the babies. Have you ever noticed how all babies, of any species, are cute? Something about babies, we cannot resist.
So I started this day with gratitude for having seen the owls with the dawn, and with awe and joy in my heart at God’s creations and then was given another great gift in seeing the javelina. How great is that?

Peace and Joy to All 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring Flowers

  In gratitude I dedicate this day and every day to God's ways. May I rise above the world and abide in that glorious sunrise where the eagle flies. Find me a peaceful place in natures majesty and there I will find joy. To sail away to the island of my dreams-to fly on those eagle wings--The eagle soaring on high--wings spread to the light--power and control of it's life--Joy in knowing! Knowing that divine light is always there at a moments thought to check it's fall and reach out again to touch the sky, feeling the bliss of God's complete love. God's complete love for all of us, every creature, every person.



Peace and Joy to All

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Stop All Fear

Do not plan or create fear. When we worry about tomorrow and what could happen, what could go wrong, we create fear. When we think we have to prepare or plan to defend ourselves in case of attack, we create fear. When we speak to others, our words can create fear when we invent fearful outcomes rather then building confidence.

I ride my bicycle everyday to the mailboxes to pick up my mail. One day a neighbor said to me “you be careful, you could crash and break your collar bone just like Dottie did”. She was creating fear. The fear of falling was planted in my mind, which could have caused an accident. What she thought of as concern, by the way she worded it, created fear.

One thing I have noticed, as we become senior citizens there is so much directed toward us from television, magazines, and organizations regarding how fragile we are. How easy we can get hurt, how we need help, more medications, how we have poor health, brittle bones, bad vision, bad teeth, failing memory. We are prone to accidents and mishaps, etc, etc, etc. If you listen to all that garbage, the fear would be so great you would not be able to get up in the morning. It is a wonder we can function at all. And I started receiving this propaganda with I turned Forty , that is 40 I am talking about , they didn’t even wait until I was Fifty-five. Whatever we think about, we create. Why create fear?

I pride myself on the fact that even if I am a senior citizen, I am active, think young, enjoy life and try every moment to create health, not sickness, laughter not sadness, happiness not fear.

I just took a senior driving course and after I was finished they had told me I was so accident prone so many times that I was almost afraid to get in my car and drive, even though I have never had an accident or ticket in my 52 years of driving. Oh, wait, once I was rear-ended at a four-way stop, by a young person.!!! Certainly, these driving experts are trying to prevent accidents but I think they are overdoing it just a wee bit. The point I am trying to make is, they were creating fear and if I had allowed it, my confidence in my driving could have been weakened.

Words create. When we create fear with our words, we are blocking the fullness of our lives. Our minds are constantly creating, constantly thinking. Do not let it be fear we create. Let’s create confidence. Let’s create love, joy and happiness instead of fear. Let’s reach out and do everything without fear.

‘If a man harbors any sort of fear,
it percolates through all his thinking,
damages his personality,
makes him landlord to a ghost.”
                                                                 Lloyd Cassel Douglas

Peace and Joy to All