"There is a depth of truth, this depth of being that wants itself known, felt, expressed, met. It makes you want to soar, to fly on eagle wings, to master your own dreams, to find true freedom. To create a masterpiece of life. Take all the pieces of life and create a new quilt. One that shines with love and light."

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Every Blade of Grass

“God, I can push the grass apart
And lay my finger on thy heart”
                                                                    Edna St. Vincent Millay

That verse speaks to my soul for I feel God in every blade of grass, in the soft warmth of the dirt as I stand in it with my bare feet, in the gift of the sun, in the glory of the rainbow and the crash of the sea. God is even within the smallest comfort of our homes, the things that inspire us, our senses, our life---

God is everywhere. If we stop and take a moment to see and feel, all there is in life, we will realize God created the earthly pleasure just for our enjoyment. For our pleasure, contentment and happiness during our stay on earth as we learn the lessons of love needed to become who God wants us to be.

Today the sun is shinning, the sky is blue, and a gentle breeze blows and stirs the bare tree limbs. The woodpeckers are stealing the hummingbird nectar, as large flocks of sparrows, doves, finches and other birds share the bird feeder. All is peace and contentment.

What a marvelous, wonderful world! How can we not know all is God?

Then “God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.”

Genesis 1 : 31

Happy Valentines Day
May every day of life be filled with love.

Peace and Joy to All