"There is a depth of truth, this depth of being that wants itself known, felt, expressed, met. It makes you want to soar, to fly on eagle wings, to master your own dreams, to find true freedom. To create a masterpiece of life. Take all the pieces of life and create a new quilt. One that shines with love and light."

Things I Am Grateful For

  1. God's Love
  2. God's Forgiveness
  3. Faith in God possessing greater wisdom and strength, power and love then I do and His willingness to share it with me. 
  4. Faith in myself and the ultimate goodness of life
  5. Learning how to forgive others
  6. God's guidance in our daily lives
  7. This beautiful earth we live in
  8. My home, no matte what or where
  9. My life, just as it is today
  10. God's grace
  11. Abundance
  12. The answer to questions put to the Holy Spirit
  13. Health
  14. Comfort
  15. Blessings
  16. Family
  17. Friends
  18. Pets
  19. Birds singing outside my window
  20. All of nature and the glorious world
  21. Flowers and all their beautiful colors and fragrance
  22. Laughter and fun
  23. Sunrises
  24. Sunsets
  25. The ocean
  26. The silence
  27. The feeling of bliss when I connect with God
  28. God's protection
  29. My guardian angels
  30. Finding the right book to read that helps me to learn what I need to learn at that time
  31. My artistic ability to create the things that inspire me
  32. Finding just the right piece of material that I need to complete a quilt
  33. All of the many things I have that make my life easier
  34. The rain
  35. A cloudy day
  36. Thunderstorms
  37. Snow on the desert
  38. Trees
  39. Mountains
  40. Soft breezes
  41. Wonderful foreign places
  42. The ability to create a cozy home
  43. My intuition that helps to guide me
  44. Friendly neighbors
  45. Friendly town
  46. Good cooking
  47. Music
  48. Love from family
  49. Love for family
  50. Protection of family
  51. All the small thing that make up a day
  52. Sight
  53. Hearing
  54. Speech
  55. Touch
  56. Passion
  57. Learning that I am a Child of God and blessed
  58. All the animals that bless this earth
  59. Life's lessons sent from God
  60. Knowing I have eternal life with God
  61. Joy!
  62. Peace
  63. Smiling faces
  64. The changes of seasons
  65. Spring, my favorite time of the year
  66. New beginnings
  67. A fresh juicy peach, just picked
  68. Rainbows
  69. Sunshine
  70. The ability to learn
  71. Dancing
  72. Yoga
  73. Financial Security
  74. God's promise of help when I hit bottom
  75. Miracles
  76. My enjoyment of nature and the thousand and one birds there are to see and hear
  77. Bubble Baths
  78. The serene sound of a fountain
  79. All of the comforts that I have to use everyday
  80. All of my favorite things
  81. Children's happy faces
  82. Special comfort foods
  83. Just washed sheets
  84. The smell of onions and garlic cooking
  85. Learning that I have permission to make myself happy and not everyone else
  86. And especially learning there is no reason to fear, for I am held in the palm of God's hand, always
  87.  Learning I make my world as I see it, happy or sad, good or bad, joyful or sorrowful......
  88. Having no fear of change!!!
  89. Feeling of excitement for each new day
  90. Happiness
  91. Being able to fly with the eagles
  92. Knowing I'm OK
  93. Learning that all those sorrows and pain were lessons for my own good and understanding why I allowed them to happen
  94. Rivers and waterfalls and all of the water of this earth.
  95. All the things I take for granted that are sent from Heaven for my pleasure
  96. I'm so grateful that in every moment, through the love and grace of God I can leave this world behind and find Glory
  97. Learning to give up the past and live in the now
  98. Stars and the incredible Moon
  99. The Holy Spirit showing me " love light shines"
  100. The Holy Spirit teaching me about "Oneness" and loving my brother as myself
  101. Learning every relationship is a lesson in Love if you allow the Holy Spirit to teach you
  102. Gratitude for the perfect Love that is within me
  103. God's Truth
  104. My relationship with God! The only one that has any meaning
  105. Extreme Chocolate Moose Tracks Ice Cream
  106. Learning to have gratitude
  107. Kindness
  108. The feeling of peace with the world
  109. Knowing that the pain will leave me if I but surrender
  110. The feel of sand and soft dirt beneath my feet
  111. The feel of elation when I try something new that I was afraid of and finding it wonderful
  112. God Happenings
  113. Having enough money to pay my bills
  114. My new found desire like a thirst for the things of God
  115. Meeting an Angel
  116. All those moments of elation when you know it was the Holy Spirit that found that special book, or parking space, or place or little comfort thing you were looking for and especially help with the bigger things of life
  117. The wonderful memories of my children and grandchildren and GG children
  118. A good nights sleep
  119. When something or someone touches my soul
  120. Being able to trust another human being
  121. Feeling a sense of pride in myself
  122. The fact that I've known the kind of love that takes your breath away
  123. The memories of my Mother and her love
  124. Knowing that I did the best I could for my children and knowing that my best was enough
  125. Being able to distinguish between my needs and my wants
  126. Giving to others and the joy it brings
  127. Hearing the words "I Love You"
  128. Air-conditioning on a hot day
  129. Perfect timing
  130. The ability to keep my sense of humor during times of stress
  131. Being able to control my temper
  132. Finding or making the perfect gift for someone
  133. Love and sharing of family
  134. Finding special foods and recipes
  135. Going out to dinner with friends and having a great conversation
  136. Friends and family who can console and comfort me in times of pain
  137. Being hugged by someone you love and who loves you
  138. The peace and solitude of hiking in nature
  139. Picking up a book and reading a message or answer I have been searching for
  140. Enjoying housework and how it makes me feel when everything is clean and neat
  141. The little signs sent from Heaven to guide me on my journey and that most times make me chuckle
  142. Courage to do what I'm afraid to do, because God is holding my hand
  143. Problems that turn into gifts
  144. Knowing when to surrender
  145. Freedom to make my own decisions, but knowing to make God's decisions instead
  146. The kindness of strangers
  147. A good cup of tea
  148. The excitement of a new discovery
  149. Fresh herbs and sprouts
  150. The perfect piece of music that sooths my soul
  151. Iced tea on a very hot day
  152. The smell of just baked homemade bread
  153. The smile on a child's face when you hand him a chocolate chip cookie
  154. Wind chimes
  155. Mexican hot chocolate
  156. The peaceful hours when I can forget about lost loves and know I can survive and move forward
  157. That I have everything I need and more
  158. So thankful for my ability to be able to do my yoga and ride my bike, and garden and walk, and hike and swim
  159. Memories of sailing canoeing, camping, redwoods, Mt Shasta, Grand Canyon and many other places
  160. Incense, essential oils and candles
  161. Healthful habits
  162. Knowing all my children will always be there for me and will always love me
  163. This computer I'm typing on and all the other electronic goodies it seems we can't do without
  164. How easy it is to find out anything I want to know from the Internet
  165. The hard to explain kind of feeling I get when I walk in the door of my home, where everything is safe, warm, cozy, secure, happy, joyful, comfy...and just  Home.
  166. The ability given to me to make my home as above
  167. The truly remarkable way myself and my family have been protected by God through so many accidental happenings or health issues, that could have been tragic
  168. Today!
  169. Love
  170. The simple things
  171. Hope
  172. Meeting a kindred spirit
  173. Hugs
  174. The sound of waves upon the shore
  175. The feeling of "oneness" with someone
  176. The moment that I know that I know
  177. Reading a book that changes my life
  178. The joy of a bouquet of flowers
  179. Beautiful poetry
  180. Laughter that is so hard it makes my stomach hurt
  181. Those cute little things small children say that are usually so funny
  182. God giving me courage and energy to handle a challenge
  183. Realizing that I have and will continue to reap the harvest of love that I have sown
  184. God giving me the courage to move on
  185. How good you feel after a shower and washing your hair
  186. The smell of lemongrass essential oil
  187. The comfort of a cozy fire while I set in a comfy armchair
  188. The freedom and fun of camping
  189. Discovering a new creative passion
  190. Fitting into last year's clothes
  191. That feeling of wonder, as if I just saw for the first time this wonderful, beautiful earth
  192. Having my wishes come true
  193. For the tough years of my life that God always gave me the ability and means to provide for myself and my loved ones
  194. For the shoulders given me, to cry on
  195. Having time for myself now that I am retired
  196. Thankful that I have learned to be deeply committed to my own happiness
  197. Thankful for the return of Joy!
  198. Thankful for whatever exciting thing is going to happen next
  199. My craft room, after all these years
  200. For all of the "Gifts of God"
  201. Just to live
  202. Having something to do everyday, whether I like it or not
  203. Contentment