"There is a depth of truth, this depth of being that wants itself known, felt, expressed, met. It makes you want to soar, to fly on eagle wings, to master your own dreams, to find true freedom. To create a masterpiece of life. Take all the pieces of life and create a new quilt. One that shines with love and light."

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Successful Life

Epithet " The only pain she ever caused us was when she left us."

What a wonderful, successful life we would have lived if we could know we have lived our lives never having caused anyone any pain, but had been only loving, caring,  and giving.
To have that kind of a successful life, one that we can live with a heart full of joy we need to take time to live in harmony with others.  Live from our hearts with honor, truth, loyalty, and love for all.  Speak with kindness, have a gentle touch, give understanding to yourself and others and smile at adversity.  We need to build a starting point in ourselves of these attributes, a base to draw from , a well of deep peace, and then life will run more smoothly and sharing and giving will be natural.  And a long term of peace, joy and happiness on this earth may be termed success.

"Instead of allowing yourself to be so unhappy; just let your love grow as God wants it to grow; seek goodness in others, love more persons more; love them more impersonally, more unselfishly, without thought of return.  The return, never fear will take care of itself."     Henry Drummond

To care is our purpose.  When no one cares we feel something within has died.  Sorrows are less when someone cares.  Great things can be accomplished when someone cares.  The smallest acts of caring, kindness and understanding can help another to be happy in life. 

"Love seeketh not itself to please. 
 Nor for itself hath any care
 But for another gives its ease
 And builds a Heaven in hells despair."          William Blake

One way to think about creating a successful life is to look at a seed deposited in the soil,  it attracts everything it needs to unfold and become what it was meant to be.  We need to know that like a seed God has planted us to grow into what we were meant to be.  We have to allow Him to lead and the Holy Spirit will flood us with creative ideas for a successful life.  Peace, harmony, faith, honesty, integrity, goodwill and confidence.  And then count your blessings, because when we stop and take time to count our blessings and give thanks to God, we find our blessings multiply and life is good.  "All is right with our world".

We should take time in our lives to pursue personal goals that bring pleasure, take time to enjoy our work and make it special and always face all circumstances with our best and know our best is enough. Find and do with the greatest of our desires and abilities, with love and God's blessing the most important thing (work, idea, art, whatever our gift), and then share it with others.  

"God give us men. 
The times demand strong minds, great hearts, true faith and willing hands
Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog
in public duty and in private thinking.
                                                                                                                               J.G. Holland

 To live a successful life which would cause no one any pain seems like an impossibility, but what an idea to strive for!
We would have to be always loving, forgiving, caring and at peace with the world.  What a great way to live.!!

The prayer of Jabez says...
                                   And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying
                                             " Oh, that you would bless me, indeed
                                                And enlarge my territory
                                                That your hand would be with me
                                                 And that you would keep me from evil
                                                That I May Not Cause Pain"
                                   So God granted him what he requested.

Peace, joy, love, happiness are treasures from Heaven.  Deep contemplation on these qualities builds the treasures in our hearts and minds.  Matt 6:20  "where moth and rust do not consume, and where thieves do not break through and steal."
Everyday and in every moment if we can always pursue our highest sense of right, and follow the direction God most wants us to go, giving of our greatest gift, then we will have lived a successful life and never cause anyone any pain.

1 comment:

  1. such beautiful pictures!
    we all need to remember...LOVE expands...

    thank you for your thoughts...and pictures...
