"There is a depth of truth, this depth of being that wants itself known, felt, expressed, met. It makes you want to soar, to fly on eagle wings, to master your own dreams, to find true freedom. To create a masterpiece of life. Take all the pieces of life and create a new quilt. One that shines with love and light."

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I was given two Zebra Finches from my friend’s daughter, who raises Finches, Parakeets, Button Quail, and several other species of birds in an aviary in their backyard. It amazes me how well these birds get along together. Maybe we can all take a lesson from them. Anyway, my two little birds are young and just away from their mother. I named them Joy and Jubilee.

The lighter one is Joy, the darker Jubilee.

I have only had them a few days but they are getting used to me and starting to chirp and make that distinctive noise that Finches make.

Today while I was trying to take these photos, with the camera inside the cage, Joy escaped. As soon as she was out of the cage, she started this loud, (very loud) calling noise. You would never believe a bird only 2 ½ inches long could make such a loud noise. You could tell she was afraid and did not like being away from her home and her brother. She flew around and around the ceiling calling and calling. Finally when she got tired, I was able to pick her up and put her back in the cage. I had visions of her living on top of the cupboards in the kitchen for the rest of her life. Looking down at me and pooping on my head. But she is okay and no harm done.

As they grow the coloring will change and become darker. And their beaks with become orange/red.

I made this cute cover for the cage, and as soon as you put it on they stop talking and cuddle up with each other and go to sleep.  Very cute!

Peace and Joy to All


  1. ho did you make that covering soo fast? Very cute!..my friend told me I have no excuse for not be able to sew a straight line with your talent you could teach me :-) hmmm, maybe I should come that way at some point ..
    Love ya

  2. OH!! CUTE!! and i love that cover you made!!

    years ago...i had a couple of finches...they lay eggs if you get one of those little nesting boxes in the cage. OH, but are they male & female? or 2 females?

    good luck!! they'll be a happy addition to your home! :] (THEY are the lucky ones!)

  3. Hi Laura,
    I think they are a male & female, but they are so young you can't tell yet. I will have to wait until their coloring changes to know for sure. It would be fun to have babies. But i am enjoying them anyway.
